About Me

Hi, I’m Jessie Geevers

A tenacious, loving and energetic photographer who enjoys grabbing her camera and running out to take some photos.

Early on

In 2018, I graduated from The College of New Jersey with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing with a minor in Graphic Design. Design courses taken: Photography, Typography, Conceptual Image, Identity and Web Design. In addition to academics, I was involved in extracurricular activities and took on leadership roles to grow as a leader and teammate.


I live in the Princeton, New Jersey area. I enjoy doing freelance photography and graphic design work for small businesses and friends who have start their own companies. Skillshop and Analytics Academy courses keep me up-to-date on the latest skills and tricks! I’m certified in Google Ads (both Search and Display), Google Analytics, Google My Business, Data Studio and more . I love being able to use these tools to track and measure campaign success. I currently work as a Digital Marketing Specialist at a Medical Device Company in New Jersey.